Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014

experience report

Ich habe für Speech in der Schule diesen Lifeprint geschrieben und dachte ich stelle ihn einfach mal online. Das hier ist mein Erfahrungsbericht, viel Spaß :)

“Being an exchange student is awesome”, “I had the best year of my life”, “I learned so much about myself”. That is what people told me about a year ago. These were people who had already been in America. They told me about how wonderful it was,  how the experiences have changed them forever and how much it helped them for the future.

I thought this sounds really cool I wanted to try it. Almost 2 years ago I applied for a full scholarship. I knew it was going to be hard, because 50 students applied and just one would get it. I had to write essays, went to meetings, got tested and so on. The whole application progress took over one year. At the beginning I was really nervous and thought everyone is better than me and I won’t get the scholarship. After a while I became more optimistic, but I was also unsure if being an exchange student would really be the right thing for me. One the one hand I wanted to make all those experience, but one the other hand I was really scared about it.
In February 2013 I got a letter from my organisation. I knew this letter would tell me if I could go to the US or not.  I was waiting for this letter such a long time, but I didn’t open it right away.
I was nervous, I was scared and I was afraid.
Anyway, after a while I opened it and I read it I don’t know how many times. I couldn’t believe I got a full scholarship for an exchange year in the US and I thought they did a mistake. Well, luckily they didn’t do a mistake and here I am.

I remember how excited I was to came here. I went to the mailbox every day to check if they found a host family for me. The time went by so fast and in august I still didn’t know where I’m going to live and who my family is. In middle of august I finally got my host family and two weeks later I did fly to Minnesota.
People said I’m brave, because I decided to stay with people I don’t know. Well I think my host family are the brave people, because they decided to open their home for an unknown student for such a long time.

The day of my flight was horrible. I cried so much and it was really hard to say goodbye to my parents and my boyfriend at the airport. This was probably the worst day during my whole exchange year!

When I arrived here I thought one school year is endless long. It was crazy to be so far away from home and to stay with a unknown family. People told me an exchange year was the best year of their life and I would learn something about myself. I had no clue what they were talking about and just wanted to go home.
Well, this changed actually really quick. I went to school and got used to the american daily life. I started to enjoy my time here and everything became easier.

Being an exchange student and living in a different country is not always easy. At the beginning it was hard when I wanted to say something in english, but I didn’t know how.
And it was hard to know my whole family sits together and you are on another continent.
Often I felt lonely and like a 5th wheel. I was wondering why I am here and what my friends in Germany do.
There were a few days for example my birthday or new year’s eve, when I wished to be home.

But there were also so many great moments and experiences I made. It’s not just that I learned a different language, traditions or culture. I also learned to  see people as people and not as stereotypes, I learned to be on my own and that I can't give up, just because I don't feel like keep going. And the most important part: I found a second family and great friends here in MN !

My year here is over.. Now I understand what the exchange student meant: Being an exchange student is awesome!

You make so many important experiences and this year really changed me. Coming to the US was one of the best decision I’ve ever made and I’m glad I did it !